Below you will find links to help you promote our Houston Bronze concert. Included is a brief history of HBE , pictures, and the HBE logo, and concert posters. .
Below you will find links to help you promote our Houston Bronze concert. Included is a brief history of HBE , pictures, and the HBE logo, and concert posters. .
Equipment set up: We play on 51 feet (eight 6 foot tables plus one 3 foot table) in a winged U setup. This is our usual set up. Before booking your concert, we will talk with you about the space you. This often requires that we make an on site visit. We have played in various formations and will work with you to make it possible for us to perform in your space.
Spring 2020, Publicity

half_sheet_publicity.pdf |
Short history of HBE and information about our director.
About Houston Bronze Ensemble
The Houston Bronze Ensemble is a professional, auditioned, handbell ensemble made up of musicians from the greater Houston area. Known as Houston’s premier handbell choir, the ensemble performs regular concerts in the winter and spring as well as community, regional, and national events, weddings, and private parties. The group plays a wide variety of musical genres, always with the goal of excellence.
Founded in 1988, Houston Bronze Ensemble was started as an avenue for Houston area handbell directors to have a place to ring. A lunchtime meeting with only a napkin to write the names of those who might be interested is what started it all. The rest, as they say, is history. Past directors include founder Hart Morris, Margaret Tucker, David VanderMerr, Dolan Bayless, Ben Harris, Ruth Seiwell, and James Roberts. We are currently under the leadership of Bill Nave
While we have a long history, celebrating 30 years in 2019, Houston Bronze also recognizes the importance of building the future of handbell ringing. We offer a variety of educational opportunities designed to meet the unique needs of churches and schools who wish to build or improve their handbell programs. Workshops designed to meet specific needs, mini concerts, and petting zoos are a sample of what we provide to the Houston area handbell community.
The Houston Bronze Ensemble is a professional, auditioned, handbell ensemble made up of musicians from the greater Houston area. Known as Houston’s premier handbell choir, the ensemble performs regular concerts in the winter and spring as well as community, regional, and national events, weddings, and private parties. The group plays a wide variety of musical genres, always with the goal of excellence.
Founded in 1988, Houston Bronze Ensemble was started as an avenue for Houston area handbell directors to have a place to ring. A lunchtime meeting with only a napkin to write the names of those who might be interested is what started it all. The rest, as they say, is history. Past directors include founder Hart Morris, Margaret Tucker, David VanderMerr, Dolan Bayless, Ben Harris, Ruth Seiwell, and James Roberts. We are currently under the leadership of Bill Nave
While we have a long history, celebrating 30 years in 2019, Houston Bronze also recognizes the importance of building the future of handbell ringing. We offer a variety of educational opportunities designed to meet the unique needs of churches and schools who wish to build or improve their handbell programs. Workshops designed to meet specific needs, mini concerts, and petting zoos are a sample of what we provide to the Houston area handbell community.
Houston Bronze Logo